Reborn in a Smile

 In your smile I was reborn today.

You are an unexpected angel sent to brighten my heart.
Your eyes dance, and your smile cuts straight to my heart.
I am reborn as new emotions flow through my being.
Without meaning to, without effort, without plan, or intent your sweet, effortless smile opens my heart.
I am reborn.

What a miracle your smile is!
In the single brief moment that your eyes danced and your smile opened my heart,
I become new again.

My voice had grown silent,
But your smile stirred me from a deep sleep.
Now I struggle to find the words to express my gratitude to you.

Your smile has stirred my voice from its mute sleep
without plan or intent, your simple gift has
taught  me how to speak with feelings and not just words.

Now I struggle not to speak, but to find
the words to express my gratitude to you,
my smiling angel.

You are my angel from above showing
me the way with the grace and light of your smile.

February 28, 1999


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