Jack Swipeout

 J for Jaeden doer of dishes and taker out of trash. Daddy's original little boy.

A for Aspen even though she does not use that name anymore. Our first artist who teaches and inspires her siblings.

C for Chris. That's me!

K for Kieler who is the youngest of the first five and oldest of the second six. He used to like to dance.

S for Schaffer the loudest who once wanted to be a chef and might be again.

W for Whitten the first born.

I for Iyana the boss and walker of dogs. Also the toughest. And the bossiest.

P for Pacey the youngest boy and quietist child. Daddy's second little boy.

E for Eilka the mischievous one. She knows right and wrong but wrong seems more fun...when she learns to use her powers for good, she will be a force to be reckoned with.

O for Okalani the youngest and most surprising. With nine older siblings you would think we have seen it all. She likes to prove us wrong.

U for Uriella lover of horses and animals in general. She used to have the craziest curls.

T for Tena who used to be Christena and is now mother to them all.


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